Empower your organization with SafetyWhat’s a range of AI-powered workplace safety solutions, customized to meet your safety needs.
Empower your organization with SafetyWhat’s tailored EHS solutions, aligned perfectly with your compliance needs.
Empower your organization with SafetyWhat’s a range of AI-powered workplace safety solutions, customized to meet your safety needs.
Empower your organization with SafetyWhat’s tailored EHS solutions, aligned perfectly with your compliance needs.
Ensure that your workers are dressed for safety, efficiency, and compliance using the power of computer vision and a PPE tracking and detection model to flag violations in real-time.
Proactively shield your employees against the impact of harmful and toxic spillovers while operating in hazardous environments by automatically tracing the proper usage of aprons as part of the prescribed personal protective outfit.
Avoid accidents and operate efficiently in high voltage and extreme temperature areas through auto-detection and verification of cal suite usages per the globally accepted operational safety standards.
Protect the ocular health of your workers and ensure safe exposure in environments featuring high temperature, light, dust, chemicals, and splinters using an AI solution to keep a tab on the proper usage of protective eyewear.
Detect non-compliances with safety protocols using a unique AI model trained to analyze the feed from CCTV nodes installed across your floors and pinpoint cases where the usage of proper headgear like hard hats has been missed.
Allow your employees to operate confidently in high-speed and low-visibility environments like airport aprons, docks, and trainyards using a smart solution that can instantly detect and flag violations to reflective vest protocols.
Preserve the respiratory health of your workers and prevent chronic lung diseases by ensuring that access to work environments featuring particulate matter and aerosols is restricted only with masks and breathing gear of prescribed standards.
Use a detection algorithm to automatically check and verify the proper attachment of Lifeline Hooks for the members of your high-altitude operators, allowing them peace of mind while working in environments with fall hazards.
Prevent auditory damage for your workers operating in high-pitched and noise-intense environments with continuous oversight and real-time alerts on non-conformance with the precautions.
Minimize the risk of cuts, bruises, and injuries in an operating landscape that involves intense physical labor with intelligent ESH surveillance ensuring that your workers are handling machinery and systems while wearing hand protection.
Minimize the fatality risk of high altitude installation and maintenance tasks by ensuring that all the workers are equipped with the safety harnesses, and exceptions are pinpointed in real-time for triggering corrective action.
SafetyWhat AI-powered PPE Detection is a cloud-native or on-premise deployment solution that is continuously available, acting as an intelligent safeguard to enforce PPE usage and safety protocols at the individual level and avoid wilful or unintentional violations.
While manually verifying PPE compliance in runtime can be difficult, simplify the job by using AI in the PPE identification system that can maintain continuous oversight using your CCTV feeds and deliver the analytics in near real-time for corrective actions.
Adopt a preemptive posture on workplace safety with a solution that instantly alerts you or generates alarms if a prescribed personal protective gear is removed by a worker within the live operational environment, shortening response time.
Optimize your TCO by using a cutting-edge solution that needs no additional investments in specialized hardware but operates an industry-first algorithm to accurately evaluate PPE usage and ensure worker safety in hazardous environments.
Realize the power of AI algorithms for PPE recognition that can be deployed with minimum training and easily adapt to the changing PPE compliance regulations, operational realities, and safety requirements to maximize workplace protection.
Allow your EHS administrators and compliance managers to stay on top of the PPE usage practices using the convenience of a mobile app with an intuitive interface delivering all key statistics at their finger time at a place and time of their choice.
SafetyWhat AI is a market-leading EHS management platform that analyzes the feed from your existing CCTV nodes to accurately predict health and safety hazards in real-time, covering multiple use cases, from PPE Detection, Area Control to Behavioural Safety allowing you to respond with impact and save lives.
Leverage a library of EHS rules to custom-build detection logic for your diverse operational scenarios using self-service functions or with assistance from our Customer Success team.
Choose an agile solution built for easy integration with any CCTV systems within minutes and deployed at speed on hybrid or on-premise models featuring full sync with our AI engine on the cloud.
Use top-notch AI algorithms and computer vision capabilities to trace EHS violations with high speed and precision and equip your decision-makers with curated insights to make the right call.
Keep your response personnel aware using physical cues like alarm lights and buzzers and maintain a constant flow of information using instant dashboards, emails, and smart device notifications in real-time.
Combine the power of computer vision and Edge processing to detect safety protocol breaches in real-time and auto-apply operational fail-safes on machines to avert fatality risks.
SafetyWhat AI is an agile and adaptive workplace safety solution that can be deployed on-premise, from the Cloud or at the Edge, closer to your workplace, allowing you to optimize your cost of solution ownership without compromising deployment outcomes.
Deploy SafetyWhat AI on the cloud and integrate with the on-floor
CCTV network within a few minutes to go live and deliver value for even
large-scale, global projects in days as opposed to standard solutions.
Run SafetyWhat AI on-premise using your company’s GPU servers while delivering the AI output through SafetyWhat AI’s cloud-hosted web services, evenly distributing the workload and optimizing operational costs.
Cover remote locations by Deploying SafetyWhat AI models in world-class industrial Edge processing systems such as NVIDIA Edge computing machines to detect unsafe actions and raise alerts locally without a centralized control for the camera network.
As a next-generation workplace safety solution using AI, SafetyWhat AI comes with an EHS platform that is packed with top-of-the-line features and capabilities to completely communicate your safety compliance and risk mitigation measures, allowing you to operate with confidence and certainty.
Switch your business from a reactive to a proactive risk control posture using instant notifications and alerts on the degrees of risk exposure to your on-duty personnel, avoiding injuries and saving lives.
Replace error-prone and complex manual compliance measures and save valuable time and resources for your EHS outfit with an intelligent solution that can intuitively track the compliance of your business processes with regulatory guidelines.
Break free from age-old practices of spreadsheet-based data management and realize the benefit of rich, interactive dashboards to deliver a holistic overview of safety performance and easily make critical and time-sensitive decisions.
Integrate the detections to your control measures, be it a buzzer, a light, or control relays via IoT modules in the system or send the controls to even your PLCs using the easy Integration modules available in the SafetyWhat AI platform.
Embrace fact-based EHS governance with on-demand access to leading performance indicators and safety benchmarks like PPE usage, housekeeping, and behavioral-based safety, revealing gray patches and implementing effective corrective actions.
Rely on SafetyWhat’s profound industry expertise and leadership in EHS solutions for designing, developing, and stewardship of AI models that can ensure compliance and safety for your workforce through changing business and regulatory scenarios.
Manage the solution interfacing with your CCTV network from a single, easy-to-navigate cockpit, providing all functionalities on a single page, from video analytics and maintenance to troubleshooting.
Enjoy the assurance of SafetyWhat’s ironclad information security tactics, allowing you to opt for an on-premise development model wherein detections are handled locally and cloud connectivity is invoked only in the event of an alert or completely run the AI engines in the cloud.
We can help you build a safer workplace using an AI-driven and IoT-enabled solution that is a leap ahead of its peers.
SafetyWhat offers a comprehensive set of offerings on AI-driven workplace safety solutions. Discover a range of intelligent AI solutions curated from our extensive portfolio.
Delve into firsthand accounts where market leaders entrusted SafetyWhat to successfully reach their goals.
Senior Product Manager, UrbanDaddy
Senior Product Manager, UrbanDaddy
Senior Product Manager, UrbanDaddy
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